

This opportunity is designed for only the most qualified students. It is intense and of the highest level. That being said, the right applicant should possess the following:

Master Degree

A master degree in film scoring or any form of music composition on a university level. Could also be master in violin, drums or whatever instrument or sub study.


Or be self-taught,

and supremely talented.


The following standards also need to be met:

  • Must be 21 years of age or older
  • Have a sole interest to become a composer for media in any format (TV, streaming, film, video game, etc.)
  • Have interest BOTH in classical orchestral music and modern music and relatively solid knowledge of all music styles
  • Be able to write in different styles fluently and is comfortable with modern music
  • Come from a part of the world where it’s relatively easy obtain a visa for a year in the USA

If you do not meet the expectations and standards listed above, please reconsider applying. This program is intended only for applicants of the highest level.
